The rise of social media

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Social media today may be recognized as entirely different Internet segment. Basically, Internet these days stands apart from social media. The reason for this is the impressive amount of teenagers who sincerely believe that they are using Internet while they only browse through 2 or 3 favorite social media sites. The question is, however: are the social media sites beneficial for users, especially young people?

Effects of social interactions

By the beginning of the XXI century researchers completed thousands of studies related to the influence of social interactions on human health, and their results were quite obvious: the influence is really positive.

One would think that online social media could increase the effect, since finding friends and communicating became so much easier. In fact, some specialists confirm that social media help people feel less lonely and promote a sense of belonging.

Advantages of social media

Below are the advantages of social media:

  • To begin with, social media help finding people and information. Anyone will recall a story about long lost friend who they got in touch with through Facebook.
  • Users continue social ties that otherwise would be impossible.
  • Everyone can name a few benefits of social media sites. It helps in finding employment, in personal life. And no matter what researchers say, online spaces allows users to combine the useful with the pleasing.
  • Online communities: Facebook helped many people find friends. You will find a community for everyone: traveler, shopaholic, fan, gourmet, sport addict and so on.
  • Some people even manage for learn new languages thanks to online communities. Since you may join a foreign community, like it or not, you’ll have to catch up.

A fly in the ointment

Despite all the obvious benefits of social media, the results of a few studies published in peer-reviewed journals state that social media sites have outstanding influence of young people. Students, spending a lot of time in Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram tend to «imagine themselves»: to share personal information that is not consistent with the reality. Mostly, they try to picture their perfect image from their point of view. What’s more, in real life they tend to match their virtual image.

Finally, their friends start searching for ways to hack Facebook account in order to learn the truth.

Expert opinion

Psychologists claim that any online communication allows user to maintain their anonymity and show off a little bit. Every communication is helpful as long as you look at it with a critical eye. Check every piece of information, because just as any other information it can be false. Finally, keep in mind that social media should never substitute real communication.

Don’t try to turn Facebook into the means of dealing with personal issues. Facebook is just one of communication tools, not the way of living. Social ties users build online can be priceless for developing self-respect, confidence and social skills.